(Click on the images to view them in full size)
Overall the new design is very clean and elegant. The old design feels very boxy and cluttered after looking at these screen shots.
The new menu structure looks good so far. Judgement will of course have to wait until we get to play around with it for real. In particular I hope it will be super-easy for users to access their national conference as well as their NT and U20.
I like the inclusion of weekly cost for each staff type - adding simple functionality such as this without the need for installing browser add-ons is a good step.
I like the cartoon on the right hand side. Little touches like this should keep the design feeling homely, even while it is cleaner and more elegant.
Player (Supporter)
The skill bars are a great addition, surely making it easier for new managers to get used to their players.
Personally I'm not a fan of the icons instead of text in the "Owner Actions" and "Supporter Features" sections though. Pictures and icons are ok, but I like my menus to come in the form of text!
The new cartoon player portraits seem to be polarizing opinion on Global. Personally I like them so far.
Player (non supporter)
I imagine if I was a non-supporter then the in-your-face silhouette and "only available for supporters" text would annoy me after a while.
Allowing supporters to toggle between the old fashioned skill listings and the shiny new bars is a good move. Hopefully there will be plenty of display options in the new design.
The new design appears to be clean, fresh and energising. What's more, the Hattrick "feeling" seems to remain. I can't wait to play around with it for real.
What do you think? Is this one step too far? Have the HTs got it spot on? Leave a comment and share your opinion!